
Bushey Primary

Education Federation

Educating Today's Child For Tomorrow

Week 1: 12.04.2021

This week we have been learning:


History and Geogrpahy

- We have been looking at the famous explorer Christopher Columbus.

-We looked at sources (pictures) from 1400 to guess what he did and where he went.  

-We then mapped out his journey on a world map using a key to help explain the markings on our maps. 

-Using our knowledge about keys we then created a map of our classroom using a key. 



-We started the week by writing a recount of our Easter holiday news. 

-Towards the end of the week we planned and wrote a diary entry pretending to be Christopher Columbus on his excursion. We focused on using expanded noun phrases in our writing. 



-We have recapped this week over time. 

-The children have learnt how to tell the time (o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to). 

- The children have also learnt how to display the hands on an analogue clock. 



-We have been looking -ing and -ed.

Red class have had a great first week back and should all be proud of their positive attitudes they have had towards their learning this week. 
