
Bushey Primary

Education Federation

Educating Today's Child For Tomorrow

Week 2: 14th September 2020

What a wonderful week we've had together in class. It's been very busy again. We've been thinking about the rules of our class and how we can look after each other and our things. The children are all remembering the routines really well and all the adults that have seen us walking to lunch or sitting on the carpet have been amazed at how grown up and sensible we are already! You should be very proud of your children and how quickly they have settled in to life at our school. I hope they come home as happy and full of stories as they are when they are in class. Although, I'm sure they are very tired too...


We have been practising our listening skills this week, playing games that involve sounds and matching. We have been trying to follow 2 and 3 step instructions well, particularly when it's time to get ready for home and we have to remember all of our things!


Green class and fantastic tidy uppers and so we have been able to have more activities inside and out as I know that they will stop and get them packed away as soon as they are asked. 


The children have been helping to make our book corner in the classroom look fantastic and were super busy this week making rainbows, clouds and a big sun that Mrs Forty has hung up for us. It looks great in there now!


We are practising our name writing a lot this week too, whenever we get the chance. On whiteboards, with paint, on our drawings and pieces of work. Keep practising this at home, making sure there is only a capital letter for the first letter.


Next week we are going to be starting our topic thinking about 'Ourselves'. We have got some fantastic books to read and some fun art activities planned for the children. We are also going to be starting our daily Phonics lessons. At the end of each week, we will send home a letter with the sounds that we have been learning and words that we have been reading. Please keep an eye out for this on Friday in your child's school bag as it will give you some ideas for you to try at home to help support in school learning. 


We are wishing you all a lovely and restful weekend, hopefully full of more sunshine too!


See you all on Monday, bright and early!
