
Bushey Primary

Education Federation

Educating Today's Child For Tomorrow

Week 12: 25th November

Another super busy week this week. We have been continuing our focus on dinosaurs and learning some interesting facts. The children have been using these facts to write 'What Am I?'. The children enjoyed writing them  and then guessing other children's dinosaurs during carpet sessions. 


In Maths we have been thinking about adding two numbers together using a 'Part, Part, Whole' models. The children have found this tricky and have really been trying hard to add the numbers together and use language such as 'add' and 'equals'. 


We have been busy making a volcano this week and next week we have something exciting planned for this space.


We have also been starting our Christmas hoop craft ready for displaying in the dinning hall next week. 


This week we have also started the Daily Mile. This is an initiate which encourages children to get out and be active. It has been found to positively benefit children's attention at school. The children have loved being outside and having the challenge. If you are interested in getting your child running, I organise an event called junior parkrun in King George Recreation Ground every Sunday. Check out the newsletter for more information. 


I have also attached the powerpoint from our Phonics workshop, apologies for not having it up last week!


Have a lovely weekend

Miss Leach
