
Bushey Primary

Education Federation

Educating Today's Child For Tomorrow


If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below. 


Applying for a Place at our School



Admissions from Reception to Year 6 are dealt with through Hertfordshire County Council. If you would like to apply you can find more information on the Hertfordshire County Council Website. 


We follow the agreed HCC admission policy to enable all children to start school in September.  


If you would like to apply, you can find all the information you need via:

For all information about appeal arrangements please visit  School appeals | Hertfordshire County Council


In-Year Admissions
An application to move between schools is known as an In Year application.  This is when a child transfers to another school outside of the usual transfer time for example, due to a change in address.  The easiest way to apply is via the online application form.  It can be accessed via: 

In year admissions – change school during the year | Hertfordshire County Council 

A Guide for Parents and Carers applying to Primary School for September 2025

Secondary School Transfer - 2024 - 2025
