
Bushey Primary

Education Federation

Educating Today's Child For Tomorrow

Week 2 - 14.09.20

It had been another great week in Orange Class! The children have been growing in confidence as the week has gone on. We have continued to use our routines throughout the each day and are getting quicker every-time we do them. Well done! We have also thought about the behaviour expectations that we have in the classroom, outside area and around the school.


This week we have been exploring different sounds including some that we might hear in our houses and the sounds that animals make. We have also been discussing the sounds in our names and the children have made a collage of their first letter. Mrs Dunne has kindly put these up on the window to decorate and showcase your amazing art.


In the outside area the children have had the chance to work in a café. This offered them the chance to take customers’ orders, cook the food, and serve.


We have also been recognising and using the 3D shapes to build houses for the dinosaurs. The children had to think about the best way to keep the house from falling over when the dinosaurs stomp their big feet.

This afternoon the children became pirates as they were able to go on to the school pirate ship. AAAARRRGGGHHH!  We all had a lot of fun sailing the sea looking for treasure.


Next week we will be starting our topic, we will be thinking about ‘Ourselves’. We will use lots of books to support our learning. We will also be starting our phonics lessons, on Friday we will be sending home a letter with all the sounds that we have been learning. This will help you support your child’s learning at home too!


We’re looking forward to seeing everyone on Monday morning!

