This week we continued with our ‘All About Me’ topic. The children continued to share their ‘All About Me’ boxes with their teachers and their friends. We also read the story ‘So Much’ which led us to talk about the people in our extended families. The children also continued to explore their new environment and have been encouraged to work in all areas of the classroom during the week.
We had our first music lesson on Tuesday with Ms. Caperon, our specialist music teacher. We sang some new songs during the session and she introduced us to a variety of notes including high and low, soft and loud and fast and slow. Ms. Caperon will continue to work with us throughout the year and will very soon begin to help us prepare us for Harvest Assembly.
We had our Meet the Teacher sessions on Tuesday and we would like to thank all of the parents who attended these meetings. All of the information that we spoke about is now on our class page, under the Meet the Teacher section. If you have any more questions about this, please speak to Miss Tarrant or Mrs Dunne.
In PE this week we worked on movement and co-ordination. We were encouraged to travel around the hall in a variety of ways. We then worked on jumping with control. We had to jump over a series of cones, remembering to bend our knees and to land on two feet when we jump. The children are also becoming increasingly confident in getting dressed independently for PE.
The children have all gone home with a ‘wow moment’ certificate in their bag. If your child has learned something new or done something they are proud of, parents can fill in the ‘wow moment’ certificate and children can share it at school. This can be for doing well at gymnastics lessons, learning how to get dressed independently or learning to ride a bike. These certificates will also be available next to the classroom door for the rest of the year, so please feel free to take as many as you like.
Next week we will be learning about toucans, as this is our class name for the year. We will begin by asking the children to share any facts they know about toucans, so if you have a chance over the weekend it would be lovely if you could research some information about toucans with your child.
Finally, some children decided to bring their favourite book as part of their All About Me boxes, which led to a discussion about all of the children’s favourite stories. We have decided that the children can bring their favourite book to school next week, which will then be read at story time during the week. Please ensure your child’s book is named and placed in the special basket provided.
Well done on a fantastic week of learning Toucan Class!