
Bushey Primary

Education Federation

Educating Today's Child For Tomorrow

Week 6 - 12.10.20

It has been a very busy week in Orange class! 


We have been continuing to learn even more sounds in our phonics lessons. This week we have learnt r, e, and u. As always we have been making sure that we are pronouncing the sounds correctly and thinking about what words start with the sounds. We have then used all these sounds to continue practicing our oral blending skills, by saying each sound separately before we blend them together to make whole words. We have practised writing our sounds in the air, on our whiteboards and in sawdust. We have also introduced the words ‘and’, the’ and ‘I’, we have thought about some sentences that we could say to use these words. I am so proud at how well everyone in Orange class is doing with their phonics!


This week we have been continuing to focus on the number ‘3’. We have been exploring all the different ways to make the number for example using addition (1+2=, 2+1=, 3+0=). We have also been using 3 as part of our subtraction (3-1=, 3-2=, 3-0=). We think these have really helped us understand the number 3 even more! We then introduced our new number ‘4’, we have again used the Numberblocks episode to support our understanding of this number If you would like to access this at home to watch it with your child, it can be found on Cbeebies or Youtube, this week we watched episode six.


We have been continuing to focus on the Harvest Festival this week, we have learnt what it is and why it is important. We have even learnt a song called ‘The Big Red Combine Harvester’. We were continuing to use the story of The Little Red Hen to support our understanding of the whole process of making bread. We used a story map and actions to help us remember what happens at the beginning, middle and end.


In our outside area we have opened a Doctors Surgery. The children have enjoyed becoming doctors and nurses and using all the medical tools. This is going to support us next week when we continue to look at our bodies. 


We have been focusing on developing our fine motor skills and finger strength this week in Orange class. Developing these skills will really help the children with their writing! We have been doing some threading inside and outside as well as encouraging the children to independently paint, draw, cut and stick their Little Red Hens. We were so proud of everyone who persevered and completed it by themselves. Some of the children didn’t manage to finish them this week but we will of course have it out next week so they can have a chance to finish.


See you all on Monday!
