We have had such an exciting first week together in Orange Class! It was lovely to meet all the children and their families at the Stay and Play session on Tuesday and getting to know everyone more as the week has gone on. The children have all settled in to the classroom and school amazingly and I hope they have enjoyed the beginning of their time at Bushey and Oxhey Infant School.
During this week, the focus has been to start learning the class and school routines, getting to know each other and most importantly finding the toilets! Over the last few days the children have had lots of fun exploring both inside the classroom and the outside area. We have also been learning to recognise our names and drawing pictures of our families.
Today we met Cook Jo who made us our first school lunch. All of the children were very excited and grown up when eating their yummy food.
Well done Orange Class I'm very proud of all of you!
We hope you have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing everyone well rested on Monday (8.40 am for everyone!).