
Bushey Primary

Education Federation

Educating Today's Child For Tomorrow

Yellow Class

Welcome to Yellow Class 

Welcome to the Yellow Class page from Miss Kerr, Mrs Longras and Mrs Murphey.


Miss Kerr is with us Monday and Tuesday. Mrs Longras is the Class Teacher Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. 


In Yellow Class we enjoy working together in order to develop ourselves as learners and become more confident with our curriculum subjects. We always make sure that we are trying our best and being kind and respectful to others. 


Class email:

Hello, I'm Mrs Longras

After a decade working as a fashion and beauty Buyer, I decided to follow my heart and start on a new journey into teaching, doing something where I could make a difference to future generations. Five years later and I've never looked back. 


As a career changer, what I bring to the classroom is a practical knowledge of the skills that your children will need to develop in later life along with a passion for learning through fun and creative paths. They may have already told you about my constant singing in the classroom! My goal is to empower your children with the tools and knowledge to become independent and confident learners. I truly believe that every child is capable of amazing things.



Hello! I am Mrs Murphy,

I have worked at Bushey Primary Education Federation for many years, and my children even got to experience the school first hand by attending it. Many of you may know me from being up at the juniors and doing the after school club, this year though I have ventured down the Infants!



I'm Miss Kerr and I am in my eighth year of teaching within the Federation at Bushey and Oxhey Infant School. I am very proud and excited to be teaching Yellow Class and Year 1. I think it is important for children to have the opportunity to explore and develop a curiosity in their learning, as well as developing the confidence to ask lots of questions! 

One of my favourite subjects to teach is Music I have always enjoyed learning about  different styles of music and sharing this with the children. I also enjoy sharing a love of instruments and providing opportunities to experiment with different sounds in the classroom. 

I am looking forward to teaching Yellow Class this year and going on our Year 1 journey together!



