
Bushey Primary

Education Federation

Educating Today's Child For Tomorrow

Week 7:14.10.19

This week we have been learning: 



  • We have been looking at the features of a letter.
  • We wrote a letter to the Jolly Postman. We thought of questions we might like to ask him and thought of things we would like to tell him about ourselves.
  • We wrote about our favourite fairy tale we have learnt about this half term and why we have enjoyed learning about this fairy tale. 



  • We focused on how to could count and regroup different representations of numbers.
  • We used tens frames to split numbers into smaller groups eg 7= 5+2.
  • We practised using part-whole models to show the different representations of each number.
  • We solved problems using part- whole models to help us.



  • We designed WANTED posters to help catch Goldilocks. 
  • We designed our own cottages using different mediums (drawing and printing).
  • We have continued to practice our songs for Harvest festival ready for next week's assembly. 