
Bushey Primary

Education Federation

Educating Today's Child For Tomorrow

Governance at BPEF

Governance at Bushey Primary Education Federation


Welcome to the Governors’ section of our website. School governors have a general responsibility to parents and the Local Authority for the effective leadership of each of our schools and the wider Federation, acting within the framework set by national legislation and the policies of the Local Authority.


Governors help to decide federation and school policy and share responsibility for the leadership of each school. They advise and support our Federation Head teacher and staff, working with Mary Ann Cooper and her leadership team to meet the needs of the children whilst ensuring that the schools provide good value for money. They also act as a link between the schools and the communities served by each.


If you are interested in being a Governor, please contact either school office to discuss any vacancies. If you would like to contact a governor, this can be done through either school office.


Contacting the Governing Board


The governing body welcomes the views of parents and carers and are keen that you should know when and how to contact us either informally or formally.


Our role is to support the strategic leadership of the school and we welcome discussions relating to our work and responsibilities which are of general relevance to the school and pupils. Governors are usually available to speak at school events or on general school visits, where we wear governor lanyards. Some of us are also parents at the school gates where, time permitting, we can have an informal word.


Governors are not involved in the day-to-day running of the school or individual issues affecting a particular pupil. In this instance, please follow the school procedure of contacting the class teacher first and then one of our Deputy Headteachers or our Federation Headteacher, if necessary. Occasionally, the Headteacher may then involve a Governor in subsequent discussions.


If you feel a matter has not been dealt with appropriately by the school, then your concern can be brought to the Chair of Governors. Official communication should be put in writing addressed to the Chair of Governors and can be left, confidentially, at the school office or posted to the normal school postal address. Further information about the procedure for school-based complaints can be found in the statutory information section of this website.


If you would like to make contact with the Governing Board for any other reason, then you can leave a message for us at the school office or email us at


