Welcome back!
It's been great to have you back and its been a busy week!
In Maths we learned about integers and factors and then progressed to correspondence problems. We are learning that we must read the question very carefully and not to rush our work!
In English, we started our topic of non-chronological reports. We rehearsed our understanding of fronted adverbials and expanded noun phrases and discussed why these would be great to use in our writing. Ask your children to explain what they are!
In Science, we learned about plants - what is each part and what does each part do? We also researched what plants need to live and then prepared a poster with labels and explanations.
In History, we started to learn about the Romans and this linked to our non-chronological report writing in English.
In PSHE, we learned that looks can be deceiving and that we all can make assumptions about people based on how they look and that these can often be wrong! We also discussed that we are all different and that we need to accept people for who they are. A really important lesson for all of us!