
Bushey Primary

Education Federation

Educating Today's Child For Tomorrow

Week 1 - 02.11.20

Welcome back! Wow and just like that we have already completed our first week back after half term! Doesn't time fly!


We started this week with everyone sharing the exciting and fun things that they did during the holiday, from science experiments and museums to watching films, I think everyone had a restful and well deserved break. 


This week in Phonics we have been recapping all of our sounds. So many of the children have told us that they have been practicing these at home during the holiday which we love to hear!! We have also introduced the ‘l’ sound and practiced writing it on our whiteboards. As the week progressed we looked at ‘ff’ and ‘ll’. We explored how these sound similar to ‘f’ and ‘l’ but that these doubles often come at the end of words, for example in ‘stuff’ and ‘puff’ or ‘bell’ and ‘still’. The children were then able to write some words containing the ‘ff’ and ‘ll’ sounds on their whiteboards. Mrs Dunne and I were very impressed by the children’s writing! We also introduced the tricky word ‘go’ this week. The children looked at how it was spelt and then began thinking of some sentences that used the word ‘go’ we also recapped ‘the’ and ‘I’.


This week in Maths we have discussed what things the children found around their homes relating to the number 5, we also recapped how we write the digit. We have then been looking at comparing numbers to five, the children have been using the words ‘fewer’, ‘more’ and the same, we firstly used five frames to help us do this. The children have been continuing to use this mathematical language throughout the week during their active learning. The children have also been stamping using blocks like they do in the Numberblocks episode 11 ‘ Stampolines’. These can be found on Cbeebies and Youtube if you would like to watch them at home with your child. 


The children have also been learning about Bonfire Night and how to be safe when using fireworks and sparklers. They have been writing words to describe the sounds we hear when using fireworks, for example ‘bang’, ‘whizz’ and ‘pop’. The children have been making their own firework display art this week, we have been using toilet rolls to stamp and print with and of course we added lots of glitter to make them even more colourful! We have also been drawing with our fingers in salt and glitter to create a firework display. The children were then able to shake the tray and they disappeared just like real fireworks! 


Have a lovely weekend everyone!!!!
