Welcome to Year 4
Our year 4 team comprises:
B4 Mr Winston Mrs Wardell | Email: d.winston@busheyfederation.org.uk B4@busheyfederation.org.uk Twitter: @B4BPEF |
M4 Mrs Lawlor Mrs Sherwood | Email: k.lawlor@busheyfederation.org.uk M4@busheyfederation.org.uk Twitter: @M4BPEF |
Home Learning:
This will be given out each Friday with instructions on Google drive, to be returned the following Wednesday.
It is expected that children will:
Unless the children are swimming (in which case, you will be notified separately), every Tuesday and Friday - please could children come to school in their PE kits.
Children require their own pencil case to include a pencil, pen, ruler, glue stick and purple pen