
Bushey Primary

Education Federation

Educating Today's Child For Tomorrow

Week 10: 9th March 2020

After the cancellation of our fire trip we have decided to move our whole 'People Who Help Us' topic to the Summer term as we felt with other visitors we were hoping to have they may cancel because of the coronavirus. 


This week we have been writing about our wonderful book day costumes. They children have loved describing their outfits and talking about why their character is their favourite. We have also done an INDEPENDENT writing task, yes independent! This task is to allow children to make independent choices rather than relying on the adults as they know what to do and what they can use to help them. All the children have impressed me with their tasks and were filled with confidence about what they can do without help. 


In Maths we have been doubling, doubling doubling. The children have really enjoyed learning about doubles and seeing doubles in construction, small world and creative activities. 


We had an dance PE lesson which the children loved. They expressed themselves as sea creatures and then came up with dancing moves to fit weather. We will look forward to see how their dance sequences develop over the year. 


On Friday it was sport relief day. We started the day with daily mile with Jellyfish class and then we practised skipping and had a skipping competition. It was lovely to see the children improving on how many skips they could do in a minute. 


We have enjoyed learning a new hack for cleaning our hands and it not taking all day lining up at the sink. I'll let the children explain what we do but it has definitely helped us clean our hand properly without it taking 20 minutes. 


Have a lovely, safe weekend


Miss Leach
