Nearly at half term and the learning is going strong.
In Maths we have finished our work on decimals and moved on to multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. We have reminded ourselves of the GOLDEN RULE that WE DO NOT MOVE DECIMAL POINTS and WE DO NOT ADD A ZERO!!!!! it is really important that children have a solid and secure understanding of what happens to the value of each digit when multiplication and division takes place.
In English, we have revisited main and subordinate clauses and conjunctions and written our individual chapters for our explanation texts. We will be publishing our final products next week and I hope to post photos of the finished articles here.
In History we have begun to learn about the Ancient Greek Olympics and how they compare to the modern Olympics. We have also begun to explore the Parthenon Marbles in art and will be working on our sketching skills from next week.
In Science, we are investigating how the planets move in the solar system and next week will build an orrery to show our understanding.
In PSHE, we invented games using a single piece of equipment and learned about the importance of having rules in many different parts of our lives. We explored what the expression, "Rules keep us safe" really means and thought about how we feel when we see others break the rules and reflected on our own choices.