Welcome to the final half term of year 6! Anxieties and excitement have certainly been running high, however the children have once again risen to the challenge and are already making the most of the last few weeks of their time at Bushey Manor. There has been a lot of organisation and preparation for the production and SATs week, and the children are also starting to think about trips out and transition days. In our learning, we have been doing a lot of revision in maths, along with starting a visual literacy unit in English based on the painting 'The Lion Hunt' by Peter Paul Rubens. The 'topic' for this half term is The Mayans, so the children have started to think about the relevance of the Mayans in History and to explore the purpose of Mayan masks in art, ready to start their sculpture unit of work. Check out the photos of the wonderful freeze-frames that the class created on their English work this week!