
Bushey Primary

Education Federation

Educating Today's Child For Tomorrow

Year Six



The Year 6 Team

Miss Koss (B6)


Mrs Lynch

Mr Winston (M6)


Year 6 Teaching Assistant - Mrs Little


We are very excited to be working with this year group and meeting you all as the year progresses. We would emphasise that the education of your child is very much a team effort and what you do at home will add incredible value to what we are able to do at school.


Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any queries or concerns, or wish to share good news about your child, whether that be in his or her experiences at school or endeavours outside.


Here is some general information about Year 6:


PE Days

PE will take place on Wednesday morning and afternoon. Please ensure that your children come in their PE kit on these days so that they are ready for the lesson.


Water Bottles

Please ensure that your child comes to school with a full water bottle (for the sake of the environment, a reusable one rather than a single use plastic bottle). 


Homework Days

Homework will be given out each week on a Friday and is to be returned on the following Wednesday.



Spellings will be handed out every Friday and tested in English/SPAG lessons each week.  Please ensure that you take every opportunity to practise spellings with your child as the ability to spell is a key component of your child’s writing skills.


Reading Records

Reading records have been given to every child for checking and review. We ask that a family member reads with your child 5 times during the week. 



Children require their own pencil case, which should remain in school and include a pencil, pen, ruler, glue stick and purple pen.


School Library

The children will have the opportunity to visit the library each week to choose an appropriate book. We would encourage children to return books as soon as they have been finished and to be mindful that other children may want to read the same book, and book numbers are limited.


Times Tables

Times tables are an integral part of mathematics and form the foundation of mental arithmetic. We would therefore urge you to practise with your children and encourage them to use the online resource, TT Rockstars, for which they have the login details. 
