
Bushey Primary

Education Federation

Educating Today's Child For Tomorrow

Week 3: 20.01.20

This week we have been learning: 



  • We started off the week by sequencing pictures from the story Supertato. We then added in our own pictures of any parts we thought were missing from the sequence. 
  • We discussed the beginning, middle and end of the story. We spoke about what each part of the story needs to include. 
  • We then rewrote the story of Supertato thinking about the beginning, middle and end. 



  • We used Cuisenaire to order numbers.
  • We then used the Cuisenaire to make and represent numbers between ten and twenty.
  • We practised writing numbers between ten and twenty in words, and then showed different ways to make each number.



  • We used the IPADS to create a picture of our Superveg.
  • In Science we learnt about different materials and their properties.
  • In PHSE, we started using our new scheme JIGSAW!!! We started by thinking about our safe place. 
  • We also had an assembly with Reception to remind ourselves of all our ROAD SAFETY RULES!



  • Split digraph 'u-e'



Well done Lions on another great week!!!
