Welcome back!! It's our last half term in Year 1.
Our topic for this final half term is Seaside and the children are already really enjoying this topic.
In English we looked at the story Billy's Bucket. We are working on our imagination and using adjectives within our writing. We had a lot of fun passing Billy's bucket around and imagining what may be in the bucket.
In Maths we have been looking at division and using language of sharing to work out the answers. We have introduced the symbol and how we can use pictures to help us solve them. We began looking at word problems and how we could solve them.
In Art we started our new topic of sculpture and we are looking at the artist Barbara Hepworth. We cut a circle from the centre of a piece of paper to see what it would be like to 'look through' one of Barbara Hepworth's Sculptures. The children already knew so much about sculptures and were so excited to talk about what they have already seen.
In Guided Reading we are reading the story 'The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark'. The children are really enjoying getting into character and echo reading parts of the story. We have enjoyed talking about the dark and what we think is fun about it.
The weather is getting very sunny and hot during the school day now. Please can children bring a sunhat in EVERY day. Children can bring in sun cream into school to apply themselves however sun cream should be applied every morning to ensure children are protected from the sun.
Also can we remind you to check names in all clothes and jumpers. It is very tricky to find lost items when they are not named. Names can easily fall off or rub out so please check these regularly.
Have a lovely weekend
Miss Leach