A very busy week this week. The children have been very excited as December has arrived and we are on the countdown to Christmas. The children have got a class advent calendar and are enjoying opening the drawers each day.
This week we have been making Salt Dough decorations. The children have enjoyed making the mixture and making a Christmas shape. Once they have dried we will be decorating reading to take home and display proudly at home or on their Christmas tree.
The children have been making their 2020 calendars and thinking about the different seasons and how we could represent them on the calendar.
We have done our first piece of independent writing. This is an important task to encourage the children to be confident in their phonic skills and start to see that they can do it without adult guidance. I am so proud of the children and how they have developed into writers.
This week we finally finished off our volcano and with a science experiment made it erupt. The children practised making predictions and making observations about what happened and just like real scientists we had to repeat the experiment as the first time we didn't get the results we expected. The children loved this! Check out weekly experiments on our newsletter and don't forget to email in any photographs and quotes of experiments you do at home.
We are looking for volunteers for library starting in January. Please let me know if you can help. Volunteers will have to be available weekly on the same day and time so please let me know your availability. The role could be shared out between two people but the times each week would have to be the same.
The children have been really interested in facts and have loved looking at google maps and learning about the world. We have a topic around this planned for the new year which we are sure the children are going to really enjoy. If you have a chance this weekend to show google maps and different places in the world. If your child has relatives who were born or live in other countries show this. The children particularly enjoyed the photographs of Mount Etna from street view.
Have a lovely weekend
Miss Leach