
Bushey Primary

Education Federation

Educating Today's Child For Tomorrow

Week 2 14.9.20

This week Blue Class have been learning:



  • We continued to recap the phonic sounds taught in Year One.
  • We focused on capital letters and the different ways we can use them. We sorted words by whether or not they needed a capital letter and then applied what we had learned to our own writing.
  • We wrote facts about the differences between schools in the Stuart times and now.



  • We focused on the equals (=) sign and solving problems with number sentences displaying equivalence (eg 3 + 4 = 7 + 0)
  • We used the greater than and less than signs ( > and <) to compare numbers and number sentences.
  • We added numbers using ‘Think 10’. We practised exchanging ones for tens to find the answer.



  • We started our new topic all about ‘London’.
  • We drew mindmaps, thinking of all the things we would like to find out during our new topic.
  • We found out where London is on a map, and about the capital cities of the UK.
  • We started to plan an investigation to test the properties of different materials.


What a fantastic busy week of learning Blue Class!


Next week we will practising different strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems in maths. In English, we will be retelling stories in our own words and practising our reading comprehension skills.
