End of week 2 and I am feeling as though we are starting to hit our stride! We have our hand washing/sanitizing routines down to a tee and we have become familiar with our new class room, timetable and routines.
In our learning, we completed a writing assessment yesterday based on the images in Oliver Jeffers' wonderful book Here We Are. After listening to the amazing work of David Attenborough and identifying that vocabulary he uses, we researched a sea creature of our choice and then wrote documentary style pieces combining fact with amazing vocabulary to grab the reader's attention.
Also inspired by the same book, the children used pastels to create representations of all of the things they have going on in their heads: questions, things they are excited about, feelings, worries. They are now in display in our classroom.
In Science we launched our new topic of Earth and Space and focused in the skill of developing scientific enquiry. We talked about what makes a good scientist and I know that we have some great scientists in the room!