
Bushey Primary

Education Federation

Educating Today's Child For Tomorrow

Week 8 w/c 7.6.21

This week Blue Class have been learning:



  • We read and watched the story ‘Journey’ by Aaron Becker.
  • As the story has no words, we wrote about what we thought the plot of the story was and why we liked it.
  • We became authors and wrote the beginning, middle and end of the story to match the pictures.
  • We edited our stories; checking for punctuation, spellings and new vocabulary.



  • We looked at bar models and how to use these to create different number sentences.
  • We used bar models and part whole models to find missing numbers and to understand the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction.
  • We wrote our own word problems to match a variety of number sentences.



  • In began our new topic of ‘Journeys’ and created mindmaps thinking about what we wanted to find out.
  • We continued to look at the work of Ron Hitchins, and practised mark making using clay tools.
  • We started to think about our transition and move to Year Three and thought about what we were looking forward to.


Well done on a fantastic work of learning Blue Class!


Next week we continue to use the story ‘Journey’ to write a sequel and description, and we will be focusing on equals as a balance in maths.

