
Bushey Primary

Education Federation

Educating Today's Child For Tomorrow

Week 9: 9th November 2020

This week we had a very exciting week.


In Literacy we wrote a letter to a friend in Yellow Class. We remembered how to start and finish the letter off. On Wednesday we then went on a very exciting trip out of the school gates across Vale Road and to the postbox. The children loved this little adventure and loved looking at the postbox. We saw the key hole and handle, collection days and times, the Queen's name and the Royal Mail sign. We enjoyed writing a recount on the return to school. We have been focusing a lot on full stops and capital letters. When reading books this weekend please point out capital letters and full stops to help children understand when to use them. 


In Maths we have been working on applying our addition and subtraction to solve number problems. The children loved these and we saw some brilliant reasoning skills and conversations going on.


In Science we have been sorting animals into a Caroll diagram and seeing that mammals can be carnivore, herbivores or omnivores.


In Jigsaw we started our new topic Celebrating Differences. We talked about similarities and differences we have with other children in the class. 


This week we started Guided Reading this week and have enjoyed reading as a group and 'jumping in' to help their friends read the words. The children worked really well in their groups. 


I am so proud of my Purple Class they have worked so hard this week!!


Have a lovely weekend


Miss Leach 
