
Bushey Primary

Education Federation

Educating Today's Child For Tomorrow

Week 4 - 28/09/20

What a great week we've had Yellow Class!


This week, we have been writing based on the story of Hansel and Gretel. We recapped the story and discussed the sorts of things the witch's cottage is made out of. Yellow Class had lots of amazing ideas for their own cottages so we each wrote a list and designed our own cottages the next day. Later in the week, we talked about the witch and used adjectives to describe her. Today, we used our list of adjectives to create a wanted poster for the wicked witch. In phonics, we have been focusing on the 'nk' and 'ue' sounds as well as learning how to read and write multisyllabic words. 


In maths, we have continued looking at numbers to ten. We have carried on discussing different ways to represent the numbers, so Yellow Class were given a number and had to find other ways to represent this around the room. We also used language such as more and fewer to find one more and one less than a number. 


We carried out a really fun investigation about our senses in science this week. In groups we moved round different stations to investigate how we use our senses. We listened to different sounds and guessed where the sounds came from, tasted different flavours of crisps, guessed the different items we were smelling, played 'I Spy' and tried to guess the items we felt in the bags. Yellow Class had a lovely time taking part in this investigation.


This week in topic, we have been carrying on with our learning around maps. We looked on Google maps at the local area and identified things we could see, for example Tesco, the river and the hospital. We then had a really fun lesson looking at our own history. Using photos of ourselves we made our own timelines, starting from when we were babies up until now. Yellow Class loved looking at the photos from when everyone was younger!


In PE, we have been practising our throwing skills. We took it in turns to practice our under arm and over arm throws. 


Well done this week Yellow Class. I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Miss Ward
