
Bushey Primary

Education Federation

Educating Today's Child For Tomorrow

Week 1

Welcome to Year 6!

We are all very excited about being back! I hope you all had a lovely Summer.


This week, we began exploring the book 'Here We Are' by Oliver Jeffers. This text will be our main focus in English lessons over the next two weeks. We started the week reflecting on how it felt to be here right now. It was lovely to hear the reflections and personal responses from the children, and provided a fantastic opportunity for us all to reconnect and share our thoughts about the events of 2020. As the week progressed, we reflected on how large the universe is and how special it is to be part of this amazing space. After being inspired by the poem 'Cosmic Disco' by Grace Nichols, we spent time generating ideas to include in our own poem about our favourite place to be. Towards the end of the week, we put our purple pens to good use and spent time editing and redrafting our poems. We are really proud of what we have achieved and look forward to seeing our work displayed in school. Next week, we are going to be planning and writing a persuasive letter, detailing the positive impact that recent events have had on the environment. 


In Maths, we revisited and consolidated our understanding of Place Value. At the start of the week, we spent time reading and writing large numbers up to ten million. We used a variety of resources, including place value grids, number lines and bead strings to support our learning. As the week progressed, we focused our attention on regrouping large numbers and applied our understanding to a variety of problem solving activities. Next week, we are going to be focusing on ordering and comparing numbers, including decimals, using a number line. 
