
Bushey Primary

Education Federation

Educating Today's Child For Tomorrow

Week 12 - 30/11/20

This week in English, we talked about all of our favourite animals so that we could write about them. We started by planning what we were going to write e.g. what they eat and what they look like. We then used our plan to write all about our favourite animal.


In phonics we have learnt the split digraph 'o-e' and compared this to the 'oa' sound we have already learnt. We also learnt a new spelling of the 'or' sound - 'ore' and we talked about words we can find this spelling in. We have also been recapping some tricky words and contracted words were introduced. We discussed how we can say 'I am' or we can say 'I'm'. 


In maths, we have been learning how to systematically find number bonds to 10 with a tens frame and then by drawing this in our books. We have also been learning about how we can double and halve numbers.


This week in topic, we have been learning about Advent and how this is celebrated. We talked about how some of us celebrate advent by opening an advent calendar every day and how some light candles on an advent wreath.. 


We have started Christmas preparations this week and getting into the Christmas spirit! The children's lines for their Christmas performance have been given out so please practice these lots at home! We have put a letter in all of their book bags explaining about what they will be wearing for the performance. If you have any questions please let me know.


Have a lovely weekend.
