
Bushey Primary

Education Federation

Educating Today's Child For Tomorrow

Week 10: 16th November 2020

This week we learnt two new sounds in Phonics. We looked at 'j' and 'v' and followed our usual routine of practising writing the letter correctly, saying the sound and looking at words and objects that begin with each sound. We have been using these sounds in our writing too, practising writing CVC words as well as reading them. We are really working hard on our blending and segmenting skills and practising every day in school and now at home too is really helping us. The children have been telling me all about their reading experiences at home and how much they enjoy sharing that time with you. 


Our Maths focus over the last two weeks has been numbers bonds to 2, 3, 4 and 5. We have been thinking about 2 smaller numbers that we add together to make a big numbers. We have been using our fives frames and coloured counters to show this, our numicon shapes and writing the number sentence to match these. This week, we look at a new maths resource called a part-part-whole model. This gets us to think about the two smaller parts that make up a bigger number. Just another way of describing a number bond really. We had a go at using the numicon in this new model. We are getting really confident with what makes up each number to 5 and different ways we can represent them. Numberblocks, as always, has helped us to consolidate this learning. We particularly enjoyed the episode 'The Whole of Me' this week. 


We have been thinking about homes this week. We looked at different types of homes, talked about our own homes and then had a go at painting it. We discussed our special or favourite places in our homes, why they are our favourite and how we feel when we are there. This lead us on to reading 'The Three Little Pigs' and talking about their homes. We role played the story and had a go at building the three different homes using the different materials. The wolf managed to blow them all down though so we need to practise our building skills I think... 


Have a lovely weekend all of you. See you on Monday!
