We always welcome parents to share their queries or concerns as soon as possible as we believe in working in partnership with parents. If you are unable to catch your child's teacher at the end of the school day an appointment can be made through the school office.
The Head of Schools, Mrs Bleau or the Federation Deputy Head, Miss McLaren, are often on the school gate at the start of the school day and will always make themselves available, at the first chance that becomes possible, to speak to parents. An appointment can be made through the school office.
These are held in Autumn and Spring Terms. Parents are given an opportunity to discuss their child's progess with the class teacher.
These are issued towards the end of the summer term. An opportunity is provided, should you wish, to discuss your child's report.
We will always let parents know when they can come into school for special events or the regular class assemblies. These events will be advertised in our Newsletter.
Dress rehearsal's are often held so younger siblings may attend as babies and toddlers are not permitted to attend final performances.
Parents who can give a regular weekly slot to help in the classrooms or library are always welcome. Help with school trips is another way parents may be able to join in with school events. Where appropriate, parents are asked to complete a Criminal Record Bureau application form.