
Bushey Primary

Education Federation

Educating Today's Child For Tomorrow

Week 5: 30.9.19

In Lion's class this week we have:



  • We looked a new traditional fairy tale known as Goldilocks and The Three Bears.
  • We started by working in groups to act out a different part of the story. We worked in groups of 4's and then shared our role play scene to the rest of the class.
  • We drew story maps to help aid our story writing next week. We thought about the beginning, middle and end and added key words.
  • Then we wrote a character description for Goldilocks; thinking about adjectives and all the amazing things we need to include to write super sentences.




  • We continued to look at one more and one less and used part-whole models to represent these pictorially.
  • We sequenced numbers In order and were able to talk about our reasons for the choices we made.
  • We ordered non-consecutive numbers and explained how we had found the answer.



  • We celebrated National Poetry Day by illustrating a poem all about the life of a bear.
  • We found out and wrote facts about different bears around the world.
  • We also have been practising our songs for Harvest Assembly. 



  • ar
  • or

Well done Lions on another fabulous week, keep up all your hard work!!!!

