
Bushey Primary

Education Federation

Educating Today's Child For Tomorrow

Week 7: 14th October 2019

This week in Toucan Class we have been busy preparing for Harvest Assembly. We learned why Harvest is celebrated, and talked about the food that is harvested at this time of year.


We read the story of Oliver’s Vegetables and talked about the fruits and vegetables that we have grown. Lots of children have had the experience of growing fruits and vegetables and were able to talk about this.


In phonics this week we learned the sounds p, i and n. These new sounds have now been added to your child’s sound tag for them to practise at home. We are now beginning to use the sounds we have learned to read some simple words including sat, tap, pin and tin. We say each of the sounds in each word and then say them a little quicker until we can put them together to read the word. You can try taking the sounds off your child’s sound tag and making simple words for them to read.


We introduced pumpkins to our classroom this week. We talked about what we could see and used our observational skills to paint pictures of our pumpkin. Next week we are going to open the pumpkins to see what is inside.


Next week we will be performing in the school Harvest Assembly. The first performance will be on Monday afternoon at 2.15pm and the second performance will be on Tuesday morning at 9.15am. Parents can come to either of these assemblies to see the children perform.


We will also be selecting our children for School Council next week. Children who were on School Council last year came down to talk to us about what the job entailed. Over the weekend, please speak to your child about whether they would like to be on School Council and why. Next week we will be voting for the two children we would like to represent Toucan Class this year. 


We will be finishing up for half term next Wednesday. School will finish at the normal time of 3.15pm. 
