
Bushey Primary

Education Federation

Educating Today's Child For Tomorrow

Week 7

The last week of a very busy half term has seen is sewing an orrery, pacing the playground whilst pretending to be a planet and Miss Spencer learning how to use a new (very old) piece of equipment!


In Maths we finished our unit on multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 including decimals.  The children have made good progress and we will revisit it in Maths meetings and in arithmetic practice a great deal!


In English, the children have written and published their explanation texts and I have bound them together as a book.  We shared our work with Mrs Cooper and Mrs Bleau and we will have a display of the work in the corridor too. 


In Science we looked at the planets and reenacted how they orbit the sun.  We then made an orrery and these are now hanging from the ceiling of our class room.


It has been wonderful to see so many children choosing, reading and completing books by some brilliant authors.  It is also great to hear them talking to each other about books and giving recommendations.  Enjoy your half term and I look forward to seeing you all back in a week!
