This week the children in Toucan Class took part in their very first class assembly at Bushey and Oxhey Infants. We did lots of practising to remember what we needed to say and when we needed to say it. The children all had a chance to stand up and talk about their learning during the assembly and they all did very well. We are very proud of them and we hope you enjoyed finding out what we have been up to at school.
We also shared our work from Art Week with parents on Monday and Tuesday of this week. The children are quite proud of their work and it was lovely that they could share their work with their grown-ups too.
This week we have also explored the story ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’. We read this story and talked about the various settings and characters within it. We decided to make lots of props to be able to retell the story. The children spent a lot of time at the creative table this week, making a cave, puppets and settings to retell the story.
We also chose to have a teddy bears’ picnic on Friday. We wrote invitations to our teddies, asking them to join us. We then wrote lists of the food we would need to buy for our picnic.
On Friday morning, after settling down the teddies at the back of the classroom, we got busy preparing the food we would need. The children chose which bread they would like, spread butter, jam or cheese on it and then added some fillings. They each made their own sandwich ready to bring to the picnic in the afternoon.
After Celebration Assembly we then set the hall up ready for our picnic. The children enjoyed spending time with their teddies and their friends. We ate the sandwiches we had made and spent time playing some party games. We really enjoyed our afternoon!
In maths this week we introduced 10 frames. We worked on putting a certain number of counters in the 10 frames and then talked about the patterns we noticed. Next week we will learn how to use the 10 frames for subtraction.
Next week we will continue with the story ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ and we will try to write our own version of this too.