
Bushey Primary

Education Federation

Educating Today's Child For Tomorrow

Travel to School


WOW Walk to School Challenge

We are so excited to say that we are taking part in the WOW walk to school challenge!  The idea is to promote more sustainable journeys to school, by walking, cycling, scooting or by using park and stride or hop off more regularly.   By choosing more sustainably journeys to school we are promoting healthier lifestyles, by being out in the fresh air, exercising, exploring and being ready to learn!  As well as using our road safety knowledge and reducing pollution from cars by choosing different ways to travel safely to school.


The children and class teacher will track how the children have travelled to school every day on the online travel tracker.  Each month the children can collect a badge if they have travelled to school sustainably at least once a week for the month.  The badge designs are different each month and are all designed by children who took part in last years 'design a badge competition'. 


WOW Walk to School Challenge is delivered by Living Streets, the UK charity for everyday walking.

Running WOW during COVID

Watch this fun and quick video to help explain to your teachers, school staff, and pupils how WOW works, why walking is important and how to run WOW safely during COVID-19. Find out more about WOW:

WOW - the year-round walk to school challenge | Tackle school run congestion | Reward pupils

WOW is Living Streets' flagship year-round walk to school challenge. WOW is a pupil-led initiative where children self-report how they get to school every da...

WOW Launch letter to parents and families

WOW family resources to use at home
