
Bushey Primary

Education Federation

Educating Today's Child For Tomorrow

Week 4 w/c 11.5.21

This week Blue Class have been learning:



  • We started to look at explanation texts and compared the similarities and differences between these and other styles of writing.
  • We wrote our own explanation texts to explain the life cycle of a butterfly.
  • We practised using the suffixes –ful and –less to create new words.
  • In Guided Reading, we continued to read ‘James and the Giant peach’. We talked about the new words we had learnt as we read.



  • We found half and double of different numbers, and discussed the relationship between these processes.
  • We solved reasoning problems involving halving and doubling.
  • We recapped on addition and subtraction strategies and used these to solve a variety of different problems.



  • In science, we found out about the life cycle of a butterfly.
  • As it was Mental Health Awareness Week, we designed posters to tell people how they could help others if they were worried.
  • We thoroughly enjoyed our live session with Dame Floella Benjamin, where we found out lots about her life and work. We enjoyed reading her book ‘Coming to England’ together.


Well done on a very busy and exciting week Blue Class!


Next week we will be using the story ‘Tad’ to explain the life cycle of a frog, and solving problems involving multiplication and division in maths.
