
Bushey Primary

Education Federation

Educating Today's Child For Tomorrow


Welcome to M5!


Miss Ward, Mrs Wardell and Mr Gully




I'm Miss Ward and this is my fifth year teaching at Bushey Primary Education Federation. I am very proud and excited to be teaching M5. I think it is important for children to have the opportunity to explore and develop a curiosity in their learning, as well as developing the confidence to ask lots of questions! 

One of my favourite subjects to teach is History as I have always enjoyed learning about the past and it sparks lots of fantastic discussions in the classroom. 

I really enjoy reading books in my spare time and I love to share this passion with my class. I like to read lots of my favourite stories with the children and it's amazing to hear all of the books the children love to read too! 

My favourite things about school are reading stories and poems, teaching creative activities such as painting and the mornings in the classroom - I love hearing all the children's stories and adventures they have been on!

I am looking forward to teaching M5 this year and going on our Year 5 journey together!

