Daily Reading
We ask that you read with your child regularly (we would like every night) for at least 10 minutes, preferably to an adult, with a record made in the children's reading record (which should be brought into school every day).
It's great to be able to share a story, share historical and scientific facts, dicuss characters or historical figures and form opinions towards events and actions. By doing this, children are exposed to a greater variety of languge which only has a positive outcomes in relation to language development, oracy, writing and communication skills.
In the Autumn term, children will be provided with a Home Learning Book in which to complete their Spelling sentences. This should be returned to school on a Wednesday and will be sent home again on a Friday.
From the Spring term, they will also have a folder in which to complete their Arithmetic exercises.
Please check through your child’s homework with them as this provides an opportunity to discuss learning and ideas.
From the Summer term, children will be provided with a Reading Comprehension activity. They will need to read the text, read the questions, find the section of the text containing the answer and answer their question.