Dear Lions,
How are you all? Are you enjoying the sunshine we have been having? Did you all enjoy learning about VE day? Please send me any photos of you celebrating this very special day. Mrs Gear and Mrs Fox have loved reading your letters and I will forward the rest on to them when I get them.
I was so pleased to see so many of you sharing your home learning with me on Zoom, it made me a very proud teacher to see how hard you are all working. YOU ARE ALL SUPERSTARS (including your grown ups)!!!! We will resume our normal meeting time on Friday 15th May @ 2pm. I will assume that if you have been in the previous meetings that would like to join this week and I will forward your grown ups all the details. Please think of a piece of home Iearning you have completed during the week that you would like to share during our Zoom call.
Keep up all your hard work and make sure you give your grown ups a BIG hug and say thank you to them for helping you with your home learning!!
I look forward to seeing you all on Friday.
Best Wishes,
Miss N xxxx