
Bushey Primary

Education Federation

Educating Today's Child For Tomorrow

Year Four

Welcome to Year 4 

Our year 4 team comprises:


Miss Abeledo



Twitter: @B4BPEF

Year 4 Class TAs



Mrs Marwood (M-F, mornings)

Mrs Rook (Monday and Wednesday, afternoon)

Mrs Yasir (M-F, Y3 and Y4)


Mr Bogush



Twitter: @M4BPEF



Home Learning:

This will be given out each Friday to be returned the following Wednesday.

It is expected that children will:

  • read (we would like every night) for at least 15 minutes, preferably to an adult, with a record made in the children's reading record (which should be brought into school every day). 
  • practise times tables each night - the children have access to Times Tables Rockstars - times tables are the bedrock of Maths and is a key mathematical skills which supports them in many different areas of the maths curriculum. 



During the autumn term B4 and M4 have PE with coach on Wednesdays. Please can children come into school in their PE kits on that day.

In addition, during the autumn term, M4 will have PE on Thursday as well.

Year 4s will be going swimming on Wednesday afternoons during the autumn term. We will give you more information prior to these lessons happening.



Children require their own simple pencil case to include a pencil, pen, ruler, glue stick and purple pen.


Times Tables

Multiplication tables are a building block of mathematics and mental arithmetic. We ask that you practice daily and encourage you to use our TTRockstars platform.


Our Planning and overviews

