Key Stage 1 SATs Information
In England, National Curriculum tests or SATs are compulsory for all 7 and 11 year olds.
What are SATs?
SATs is short for Standard Assessment Tests. They are designed to help teachers learn more about their child’s strengths and areas for development in Reading, Maths, Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation. Children are tested on what they have been learning at school and to assess the national curriculum.
At the end of Key Stage 1 (Year 2) Teacher will provide a Teacher Assessment based upon the SATs assessments and the children's performance in a subject over a longer period of time.
End of Key Stage Teacher Assessments will be reported to parents within the End of Year Report.
In Key Stage 1 there is no set week for the tests to take place, but all assessments must be completed and collated by the end of May. Key Stage 1 SATs will cover:
GPaS | Paper 1: Spelling | Spelling (20 words) | 20 | 15 minutes |
Part 2: Questions | Grammar, punctuation and vocabulary | 20 | 20 minutes | |
ENGLISH | Paper 1: English reading test | Reading booklet with reading questions and answer space combined (a selection of texts, 400-700 words) | 20 | 30 minutes |
Paper 2: English reading test | Reading booklet and separate answer booklet (a selection of texts, 800-1100 words) | 20 | 40 minutes | |
MATHS | Paper 1: arithmetic | Assessed pupils’ confidence & mathematical fluency with whole numbers, place value & counting | 25 | 20 minutes |
Paper 2: mathematical reasoning | Mathematical fluency, solving mathematical problems and mathematical reasoning | 35 | 35 minutes |