
Bushey Primary

Education Federation

Educating Today's Child For Tomorrow

Week One

This week in English we started out unit looking at Mystery and Suspense.  We begin by studying the book, The Watertower by Gary Crew.  By initially focusing on just the front cover, we generated questions and predictions that we had. Through the week we studied the story in great detail and identified features we would expect to see in suspense writing.


In Maths, we started learning about percentages and working in understanding what it actually means.  We have been studying their relationship with decimals and fractions and learning how, when and why to convert them.


In History, we have begun learning all about the Anglo Saxons and looking at the push and pull factors that brought them to England.  This fits in well with our Music where the children have been learning songs about the Anglo Saxons and practising a play script.


In Science we have begun our topic on Changing Materials.  We have started an experiment on how to separate solute from solvents using evaporation.


IN PSHE we have begun our topic in Relationships and thought about different qualities in famous people that we like and thought about what self esteem is and how to improve our own self esteem.
