
Bushey Primary

Education Federation

Educating Today's Child For Tomorrow

Week 1 - 07/09/20

Welcome to Yellow Class!


This week in English, we have been writing about ourselves in our 'All About Me' booklets. We wrote about ourselves, our families and things that we like and dislike. We have also been reading a book called 'Here We Are' this week so we had a discussion about the world and what lives on Earth. We also went outside to the fairy garden in school and talked about what we could see and hear in nature before exploring the outdoor area.


In maths, we have been recapping numbers 0 to 20 and reminding ourselves of how to add and subtract 1-digit numbers using part-whole models and tens frames as a class. We also measured our hands for our 'All About Me' books using cubes. 


We have been learning about an artist this week called Georges Seurat who we discovered used dots to create his paintings. We then experimented ourselves with different tools to create dots similar to the ones in his paintings. We used paintbrushes, cotton buds, bottle lids and glue sticks to see which tool created the best dots. We will create our own artwork next week in the style of Georges Seurat. 


Our first Jigsaw PSHE lesson was this week. We met Jigsaw Jack and discussed as a class what makes us feel safe. We came up with ideas such as our families, school and lifeguards!


Well done Yellow class on your first week back! Have a lovely weekend. 

