This week we read the story 'Captain Flinn and the Pirate Dinosaurs' in English. We sequenced the story and drew a story map to show what happened. We then acted out different scenes from the story in groups which was fantastic! We performed our scenes to the rest of the class. Yellow class then watched the videos of their performances and wrote all about what happened in their scene, remembering to use speech marks.
In maths this week, Yellow class were introduced to fractions. We looked at halves and quarters by folding pieces of paper and seeing whether all our pieces were equal. We learnt that if they were not equal then we didn't have halves and quarters. Yellow class looked at different shapes and thought about whether they were split into halves or quarters and we also were introduced to the symbols for one half and one quarter.
In Science, Yellow class learnt about the different parts of a plant. We labelled a picture of a plant and discussed what plants need to grow and survive. In Art, we continued our sculpture topic. This week, Yellow class designed and planned how they would create their own sculpture using soap next week. In History we looked at how the seaside was different in the past. We looked at the differences in the clothes they wore, the transport they used and the entertainment they had.
Have a lovely weekend!