In Phonics this week we have learnt the new sounds ‘z’, ‘zz’, and ‘qu’. The children are doing fantastic in Phonics and I’m so happy they’ve learnt this many sounds. We have also been trying to remember our red tricky words and using these in some sentences that we have been reading and writing.
In maths this week we learnt about the number Seven. We have watched the Numberblocks episode to support this learning (S2 ep 2). We have been looking at the different ways that this number is represented as well as thinking about and writing some of the number bonds that make the number seven. We have also been practicing listening and counting which is very tricky to do at the same time. The children have been closing their eyes and then listening to how many times I have clapped. At the beginning of the week we did this with a steady rhythm e.g. clap, clap, clap, clap and today we have even started doing harder ones where claps might have been close or further apart e.g. clap, clap...clap...clap, clap.
On Monday we started learning about Advent, we learnt about the four candles and what each one represents: peace, love, joy and hope. The children then made an advent wreath using their hand prints and added the four candles. We then discussed peace and what it means to us and how we can show peace to each other. The children were then asked to use tissue paper to make the flame of that candle. We then began thinking about the second candle the children each thought about what or who they love and wrote this sentence. Again we asked the children to then cut out a flame and add this to the second candle to show us lighting each candle. We will continue this writing in the following weeks before christmas.
With our new knowledge of advent we have begun opening our class advent calendar. The children’s names were each written on a piece of either green or red paper. We mixed these up and randomly put one red and one green in each box. Each day we find the correct number and open it up to reveal who will get the advent chocolate on that day!
1st: Tharun and Maxie
2nd: Ruth and Ieremia
3rd Sam and Daniel
4th: Lucas and Harrison
We’re all very excited to see who will be in next week’s doors.
We have also been getting creative decorating our classroom for winter and Christmas. We first began by decorating the christmas tree as well as painting our post box. The children have also made paper chains, snowflakes and Christmas trees. Our classroom is beginning to look very festive!! I can’t wait to see what other amazing things we are going to make to decorate.
Our topic over the next couple of weeks is the Nativity, we started by reading the story and identifying all the characters. The children then tried to remember who they are playing in our Nativity. We then watched a video of The Nativity, the children were encouraged to think about their character and how they might be feeling and what they would be doing. We have started practicing our Nativity and learning the songs, we were very impressed at how many children know their lines! Please do continue practicing these with your children at home! I think it’s going to be amazing!!!!
Have a lovely weekend!