
Bushey Primary

Education Federation

Educating Today's Child For Tomorrow

Week 4 - 28.09.20

It has been another fantastic week in Orange class! This week we have been looking at and reading the story ‘Stick Man’ by Julia Donaldson. We used this to help us explore the seasons of the year, specifically Autumn, and the weather changes to show this. Both inside and outside we have been looking at the leaves that have fallen of the trees, we have been using our magnifying glasses to investigate them. We also used them to do some leaf rubbings and printing. If you’re out walking (in the rain) over the weekend and see any objects that could be added to Autumn we would love for you to bring them in so that we can investigate them.



Whilst reading ‘Stick Man’ we also began to think about our own family trees. We decided to use are hands and arms to make a trunk and branches and then we used broccoli to create some colourful Autumn leaves. Finally we drew the members of our families and stuck them to our trees. They all look amazing! 



This week we have been focusing on the number ‘2’. We were thinking abou how 2 is 1 and another 1. Throghout the week we have been collecting lots of things that represent the number 2. We did some of these altogether (numicon, fives frame, number fans) and throughout the week the children have added to our 2 maths display (pomp poms, puzzle pieces and lego). We also watched two episodes of Numberblocks these were episode two and three. These can be found on Cbeebies or Youtube.


Our sounds this week were inm and d. We have been practising saying the sounds properly, thinking about words that start with each sound and also how to write each letter the correct way.  We have also been practicing our oral blending skills by saying the sounds in the words. The children were then able to tell me what word was being said (for example t-a-p). We have also been looking at sounding out simple CVC words which include all the sounds that we have been learning about over the last two weeks (for example pat, tin, pan). The children have been able to identify how many sounds are in each word which is fantastic! This will really help them with their speilling.



Normally on a Friday afternoon we have been becoming pirates when we go on to the big playground’s pirate. Today it was definitely too wet for that! So instead as a treat for everyone doing fantastic learning we watched ‘Stick Man’ instead to support our learning from the book and to finish off our week. 


I hope everyone has an amazing week jumping in lots of muddy puddles!
