Welcome to M3
M3 is a bubbly class with 10 girls and 19 boys full of lovely personalities. We enjoy our hard work being acknowledged and always try to keep everyone happy. We all try to support each other with our struggles because we all have them! Our class is a place where mistakes can be taken with a pinch of humour as the learning opportunities they are but we also take very seriously all other matters. We are looking forwards to continue exploring and learning together this year, the first at Bushey Manor for most of us!
Hello, I am Miss Abeledo Pineiroa but everyone here calls me Miss Abeledo because my last names are long and unsual even where I come from! I have worked as a class teacher in the UK for the past 5 years but I was born in Spain into a family of teachers who calls the world home. Teaching is in our blood and even if most of us rebels tried to take other paths to begin with ... we still ended up being teachers as it is the most rewarding job in the world! I have taught all ages from 5 to grown ups, going from 1 to 1 tailored tutoring to University and I have really enjoyed most of it because, despite being very challenging, it brings so much meaning and joy to my life. I believe structure and trust are the basis for a successful learning experience so I aim to provide pupils in my class with routines that frame their learning experience and trust to help them develop while feeling safe. If you know what is going on and feel safe, it is so much easier to concentrate on your learning! During my free time I love talking to my family and friends as well as taking care of my plants, whether they are at home or our allotment. Cooking with ingredients one has grown from seeds is one of the best experiences out there and I highly recommend it. I also enjoy walking, sea swimming, bird watching and animals of all shapes and sizes. I grew up in the countryside and therefore, I am at home outdoors. I hope this year brings us all lots of awesome moments we can cherish as memories in the future.
Please do contact us if you need any help, do not hesitate. Catch us by the door, email us, phone us … whatever it takes! We are looking forwards to staying in touch and having open lines of communication as we believe in supporting the children as a team J
Don’t forget to check our website to explore lots of useful information, learning resources and ways of supporting your child at home. And of course … do give us lots of likes on Twitter, where you can find out what we have been up to and see some (hopefully) good photos!
And when in doubt, our email is M3@busheyfederation.org.uk