
Bushey Primary

Education Federation

Educating Today's Child For Tomorrow

Purple Class

Welcome to Purple Class


Class Email:

Twitter: @PurpleBPEF


A Note From The Team!


Welcome to friends and family of Purple Class. My name is Mrs Lawlor, and I am the Purple Class teacher. I have been working across the federation for several years now. Before qualifying as a teacher, I worked in the investment banking sector and then in Great Ormond Street Hospital. I am also an immensely proud mum of three!

In Purple class, we aim to develop a positive, inclusive classroom environment where children feel valued, respected and which in turn enables them to grow and flourish as individuals. It is in my view, a privilege to nurture children’s natural curiosity and enthusiasm.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions and I look forward to meeting many of you in person as the year goes on. 

Hello! I am Mrs Murphy.
I have worked at Bushey Primary Education Federation for many years, and my children even got to experience the school first hand by attending it. Many of you may know me from being up at the juniors and doing the after school club, this year though I have ventured down the Infants!
