
Bushey Primary

Education Federation

Educating Today's Child For Tomorrow

Week 1 - 07/06/21

We have had a great first week back of our last half term of the year!


We have started our topic of 'Seaside' for this half term. In English we read the story 'Billy's Bucket'. We all looked in a bucket as we passed it around the circle to predict what we thought Billy might see in his bucket. Yellow class had some amazing imaginative ideas including an octopus wearing sunglasses! We then wrote about what Billy could actually see in his bucket, focusing on using interesting adjectives to describe what he could see. Yellow class have done some fantastic writing this week!


In maths this week, we have started our learning on division. We began by practically sharing into equal groups and using the language of 'shared between'. We then practiced drawing the equal groups and solving problems by sharing. We also introduced the division symbol and talked about how it means the same as 'shared between'. 


We started our learning about plants in Science and Yellow class worked in groups to think about what they already knew about plants. Yellow class knew lots already, including how plants provide oxygen which helps us to breathe.


In art, we have started our sculpture topic for the half term. We thought about what sculptures are and where we might have seen some before. We then talked about an artist called Barbara Hepworth and the types of sculptures that she has made. Yellow class discussed really well what they thought her sculptures were and what they might be made out of. We learnt that Barbara Hepworth made holes in her sculptures so that people could look through them at nature, so we made our own viewfinders to do the same! We went outside and talked about all the things we could see through our viewfinders. 


Next week we will continue to use Billy's Bucket in English by thinking about what we would like to have in our own buckets. In maths, we are continuing with division. We will be using arrays with division and learning about how multiplication and division are linked. 


I hope everyone has a lovely weekend enjoying the sunshine!

Miss Ward
