
Bushey Primary

Education Federation

Educating Today's Child For Tomorrow

Week 1 w/c 12.4.21

This week Blue Class have been learning:



  • We wrote recounts to describe the favourite part of our Easter holidays.
  • We found out facts about Christopher Columbus and wrote about his life and discoveries.
  • We discussed both the positive and negative impact of his explorations.
  • We used expanded noun phrases and similes to describe a setting.
  • We used our knowledge of what it would have been like on one of Christopher Columbus’ voyages to write diary entries of a sailor on board.



  • We began to learn about time!
  • We practised reading o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to times.
  • We used clocks to make a variety of times.
  • We talked about the times of the day that certain events happen at.



  • We drew maps to show the routes and countries Christopher Columbus visited. We also labelled the seven continents and five oceans of the world.
  • We discussed both the positive and negative impact of his explorations.
  • We looked at how to use a key to help us read and use maps more effectively.


Well done on a brilliant week Blue Class!


Next week we will be telling the time using five minute intervals in maths and looking at poetry by Michael Rosen in English.
